Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Someone really should remind Stephen R. Cranford that his own mother's maiden name is Strickland so these bad jokes about my grandmother are just stupid. What makes the Stricklands think that we would care to press any claim on their asphalt and gravel business anyway? And what would I do with a pile of rocks? I would rather be dead than fight with the whiny Cranfords. Obviously Uncle Winfred never did me any favors but he is not the only game in town. I have other options than to depend on the Stricklands for anything. I can also say exactly the same thing about the worthless whiny Mercado clan. I never want to hear another word from Rebecca's piece of ethnic dog meat, chosen obviously to fulfill the ethnical labeling requirement and not because of the disturbed contents of his empty head given that his only information comes from the wrong side of the family as far as we are concerned. Thus Walter and Marcos can consider themselves warned to shut up because they will be running the show as far as we are concerned.