Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Saddleback Susie

Yes, we should give credit where credit is due. I can see the importance of giving credit to Susie, meaning my Dad's cousin, for preserving some measure of family history although I am not exactly sure what research she did or where I could find it. However, we should all remember that Saddleback Susie is not my Dad's cousin nor would she be a reliable source of information regarding my family's history or pretty much anything else for that matter. Saddleback Susie is a very confused, wicked friend who imagines herself an heir to the Stuart throne when actually she is just a working class citizen like everybody else except that her father died when she was 12 and thus she inherited a lot of money very young from Social Security and life insurance or proceeds from their family ranch in Paso Robles or something like that. Parental death is not a good way of coming into money but I suppose the money did help to relieve their anxieties about not having a father living. I still have my father living and thus no money to inherit, a completely different story obviously, but this is not a problem when I am only 12 years old. Everyone feels so sorry for Susie and her family. They are showered with attention at every turn because they are the Stewart pioneers whereas my family is, well, I don't know. Why do they always treat us like the redheaded stepchildren, as if we were not really part of the family, always misunderstanding everything I say? I thought they were more mature adults than that but apparently not.