Monday, May 7, 2012

Confronting the Spanish

Yes, what a joke, these crude and vulgar Spanish truant hookey-playing lowlifes from high school dummies class trying to take the upper hand on moral issues. Ha ha ha! We all know that Spanish conversation is sometimes filled with phallic symbols and various other crudities so obviously they have no room to be confronting the English on these points, not that the English can afford to be slack on this point when everyone is watching everything they do or say, unfortunately for Stephanie. Obviously the Spanish are just looking to reassert old claims to Texas land and using any excuse they can find however flimsy it might be. Mexico still dreams of reclaiming its old territories but the world has changed and the land is now located within the borders of the United States, inconveniently for them. Their solution is to make life inconvenient for us but we know what their game is all about, or at least I do.