Saturday, May 5, 2012

Kent's Toy Gun

I do not recall speaking to Kenton Stone since the time in third grade when he would not let me play with his toy guns because obviously I am only a girl. Maybe we did see each other in college also but I do not remember anything specific about him and Becky Nolin, who he was dating at the time, and his little sister Regina, except the one time that I met her I remember she was babbling about the virtues of studying literature. We did hear that Kenton dumped or was dumped by his Catholic wife but I have no idea what their problem was. We also heard that Regina was dumped by her Latino-Catholic husband that she met at ORU. I would not want to comment on the Stones or imagine that their opinions and circumstances have the slightest importance in terms of symbolic representation of all AG MKs everywhere. It is easy to imagine that these cultural and ethnic barriers can be easily overcome by intermarriage and work work work but in reality things are not always that simple. For one thing, you cannot have yourself photographed on the Cuban seashore with a cigarette hanging out of one side of your mouth and then expect that no one will notice and take that into account in terms of ever getting a job at a Christian college. On the other hand, those Catholics often don't play fair. In fact, they don't even pretend not to play dirty tricks on us that are so patently obvious that we obviously have very good reason not to trust them. So I am sure there is a lot of blame to go around.