Sunday, May 20, 2012

Enemy Cast

Why am I always cast as the enemy? I don't even know why those people hate me so much, all those ominous mutterings about chopping off my head. They expect me to appear on time at choir rehearsal like a lamb herded into the slaughterhouse. It makes one afraid to even go to church just to congregate with a bunch of people who don't like me and would rather see me dead than save my soul. Obviously, Pastor Max has me confused with someone else, probably Susie or Miriam, both names also appearing in the diaries although that's a different story, but anyway there is no way to operate on these sick minds all so caught up in some insignificant drama of no consequence in my estimation, perhaps trying to reenact some ancient Scottish scenario of which I understand very little and which may or may not have anything to do with anything that my direct ancestors did or knew anything about. I am not standing in the way of anyone's receiving the promise of the Holy Spirit if they really have the desire and seek it. Robert is the one who has cooked up this theory that white women like myself are an obstacle that must be removed so that all the local brown people can succeed but really I think that Robert is just wickedly cruel and has a cold heart made of stone. Where is the Christian love in this bleak scenario? Is not Christian love the sign of the Holy Spirit? It seems that Robert is being driven by some other hateful spirit of that I know nothing of nor do I care to know more about. I do love God but I really don't love that man enough to allow him to chop off my head. Besides, Jesus already did that so that I don't have to.