Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Unforgivable Sin

Yes, I suppose that it is possible that I may have committed the unforgivable sin without even knowing it. I have discussed this possibility with persons on more than one occasion, I seem to recall. I have a tendency to suffer from bouts of foot-in-mouth disease in which I suddenly find myself in these problematic situations without meaning to get there. There is no remedy for these situations and so I grow weary of being sent on these futile and unproductive guilt trips. Perhaps those little bratty offspring of wicked witch mothers hasve chosen not to forgive me, but in the whole scheme of things their opinions really don't matter and are of no consequence. Only God's Word matters and God is always gracious and merciful toward me even though I am a sinner. God loves me and sent His Son Jesus the Savior to die on the cross for me. Thus, I can boldly go into the throne room of God and demand that the tables be turned on my wicked persecutors because they just go too far.