Tuesday, May 22, 2012

More Lousy Scripting

Who wrote this lousy script anyway? This is the part where I am supposed to comment on the amazing revelation contained in the diaries, which is that Audrey's daughter Darlene married a Lebanese man. I never knew that. But as per the script, I am expected at this point to launch into some stupid tirade about these creepy Arabs and the insidious way they seek to intrude upon our personal lives, thus revealing to all a prejudice against Arabs. I am also expected to say something against mixed marriages even though against such there is no law, nor has there been for many years. Duh! I am also expected to point out that he only gets one wife and her name is Darlene and she lives in San Diego. That is all he gets. He and his Arab in-laws do not get to rule the rest of the family secretly by extension. I should not have to explain this obvious point but apparently there Arabs are not getting the message.