Thursday, April 18, 2013


Years ago when we were children we used to think of the blessings of life as missionary kids in terms of things that we "get," as for example the opportunity to travel overseas and learn a new language. These are things that we get. This emphasis on things that we get helps us to not think too much and get depressed about the things that we don't get, such as the opportunity to attend high school in the United States, the proximity of extended family, and other aspects of independent living in the U.S. But now that we are all adults we realize that all of these things may be good or bad but are actually sort of neutral in terms of our self-worth as individuals or things that really matter. Now that we are adults the playing field is more even unless of course we allow for the advantages of birth and training and these of course are outside of our control. And when we get to heaven, whose crown will be encrusted with a greater number of jewels? Whose heavenly mansion will be larger than everyone else's? None of us can be certain of how things will be arranged in heaven beyond the twelve disciples. Obviously some people will just be really grateful to get there at all, regardless of the lack of ostentatious display of rewards, because they know they never did deserve anything anyway. It was only God's grace that bridged the gap for them.