Thursday, April 18, 2013

Texas Whiners

I wonder why it is that I still have this odd feeling that those Southern whiners who came to our college from CFNI are still targeting me. They majored in Bible and yet they mostly bombed out maybe because they were from the Deep South and did not speak the local California no-accent language. James was Cori's dog, not mine, so why should I care whatever happened to him and/or them? It was strange the way he would turn around and run if he happened to see me somewhere on campus. But just having the surname "Sharp" does not impress, especially with that disheveled hippie appearance. James was not so sharp looking and, for that matter, neither was Jody. They were just some Texas tea whiners who refused to play by the rules and when you refuse to play by the rules you have to pay the price. You cannot get licensed to preach regardless of extensive Bible college classes if you are going to be rolling around in the mud with those pathetic lowlife losers who sold their souls to the bratty rich kids. It is just that simple. Put your mind on higher things or you will be sorry later.