Sunday, April 28, 2013

Which Reminds Me

Years and years ago when I was working as secretary to the distribution department of Editorial Vida under Carol Long I remember that one day I was in Harold Mintle's office to restock his desk drawer. He was not anywhere in the building that day so in order to do that I pulled out the drawer and in the process briefly sat down in Harold Mintle's desk chair. It was just at that precise moment that Carol Long opened the door, stuck in her head and sharply reprimanded me for trying to occupy a position for which I was not qualified or hired. I never seem to hear the end of that. I keep Carol Long yapping and snapping at me every time I turn around, as if she ever knew what she was talking about. As if just sitting in a chair meant anything really. I imagine there is a lot more to understanding the Mintles' sick mentality than just sitting in a chair. I was never in Ecuador so I have no idea.