Thursday, April 4, 2013
Which Reminds Me
When I was in Kindergarten attending the Lutheran Christian School there one day we were each given a huge piece of paper and told to lay down on the paper and a friend or the teacher drew the outline of our bodies on the paper. Then we colored in our bodies. I tried the white crayon but nothing appeared on the paper. Then I tried a brown or black crayon and that worked well for some other classmate but the teacher reprimanded me because that was not me. The black or brown crayon was not representative of my true skin color. Duh! So then I was instructed to use the orange crayon. Ok, so that was a good compromise even though I have a hard time thinking of my skin as orange and not actually whitish with brownish spots. It is true that orange-based shades of makeup work better for redhead-type skin come to think of it. Pink just clashes in my opinion. So the orange crayon was what I used to finish my drawing of me. I don't remember if I was allowed to redo my drawing or had to just make do with a mismatched arm or leg. I don't remember. I did not seem that important to me at the time. It was a picture that got thrown out in the trash anyway.