Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Which Reminds Me

I remember when I was in high school I used to be thinking about things at times when maybe I was in the shower or looking out the window at school and the answer to whatever I was pondering would sort of come to mind and I sort of felt it was like God would be telling things, not for public consumption, just a personal thing. Someone was asking me why I don't ask them to answer my questions and I think I told them that I am really not troubled by a lot of questions because I think I know some things and what I don't know is perhaps not mine to know. Often I just can't know and some things are just not revealed and remain mysteries that cannot really be resolved with the limited information at hand. Thus, I really do not see the need to get all perturbed and worked up about things that I don't know the answers to. Sometimes I just don't need to know everything and I don't know why this should be a problem when obviously lots of people are simply unwilling to admit their own limitations and mental blocks and want to pretend that they know everything even when actually they don't know.