Monday, April 1, 2013

Dancing Tricks

Which reminds me that during college at SCC there was a professional ballerina at our school, her last name was Cheney, who performed once or twice during the chapel services. She was quite good at that. I cannot imagine how people can do all those backflips and somersaults and whatever. I was never even remotely interested in that. I really don't care very much one way or another about the ballerina thing in church. It is not my place to say anything about that so I don't recall saying anything about that. She married Loren Wyrick who is Susie Stewart's cousin but they are divorced now. Susie once said that she is surprisingly foul-mouthed for a supposedly Christian ballerina but I would only be speculating if I said that it would seem that the Stewarts did not like her very much. I doubt that the ballerina dancing was the key to their marital problems, however, as that was well known long before they ever got married. It was probably a wider conflict of cultures, something about the morbid couch potato obsession with movies and television screenwriting as described by Susie, not that I would have a clue about what type of culture if any would describe lowlife slob Loren Wyrick either, for that matter, or if there ever was any thinking going on in his empty head from the start. I have no idea. He never said anything to me nor did I volunteer any opinions about them that I can recall. I really am not interested in taking sides in that battle as I don't really know enough about it. We met his mother in Colorado but he was never present.

We are not unaware that she is trying to position herself as a martyr for the cause of dancing but we really don't care that. The martyrdom was mostly a fantasy of her own making, not really based on anything I ever said. I personally don't see how dancing is so important when millions of people are starving to death in China. I mean, she was just never that important. Just having the surname Cheney does not mean that your father is the vice president of the United States of America that I would know of.