Sunday, April 7, 2013

Which Reminds Me

1 Timothy 5:1-2: "Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren; The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity."
Ok, so this is a Bible verse that reminds me of certain guys in college, particularly Tim and Terry, who often called me their "sister." This was a frequent occurrence during college. Ok, so I don't need a Ph.D. to comprehend the theological foundations of their thinking in doing that. However, it was sort of odd that they would use this particular method so often, with such vehemence, an angry tremor in their voices. So after about a million occurrences of this "sister" appellation it got somewhat annoying to even have to run into those guys anywhere. How stupid do they think I am anyway? Do those guys imagine that I have not read the New Testament and have a comprehension of the idea of Christians treating each other like brothers and sisters? And am I not aware of the horror with which they regarded the idea of a girl calling them a "brother in the Lord," which is why they were always so quick to beat girls to the punch, I imagine not  only me. And was it not I who at age 12, in a conversation with some girls at junior high youth camp, including Sherry Turnbull, remarking upon theoretical future dating scenarios, said that I theoretically might have to tell some guy wanting to kiss me on the first date that I only think of him as a "brother in the Lord" in view of dating rules. On second thought, I think that I would probably not say that in so many words. Some things are better left unsaid. But the unfortunate fact of the matter is that I did express that half-baked thought in the presence of Wicked Witch Sherry Turnbull, that most hideous monster on the planet. With that horrid Panama dog Sherry Turnbull always on my tail I have no way of backtracking on that thought. I am just stuck with those horrible junior high dogs flaunting their junior high dates while nobody asked me. So?