Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bricks: Ha ha ha!

Oh ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!

And what makes Cori Nipper think that I would ever think of coveting her namesake brick in the Yellow Brick Road?

Oh ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!

Maybe it is a good thing that my gpa did not qualify me for the "honors" society at my college. Thus my name is not sitting there alongside that of foul-mouthed Cori and a few others who have done nothing to clarify the confusion about the meaning of "honor" and everything to make it worse than ever.

Oh ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!

You cannot plant me in your penthouse. Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

You cannot really put me in the "Wizard of Oz" box. It just doesn't fit. We all know that Frank Baum was a completely cynical atheist. The beautifully written "Oz" book series, I read most of them because we had probably all of them at the MK school and whatever we had was probably read by at least some of us. The Patchwork Girl, etc. They are classic children's books. Still, we cannot take any of that stuff seriously. Not really. If you take it too seriously, you will end up imagining that the only miracles are the products of your own imagination, that you were only dreaming, that it was all just an illusion or sleight of hand by a clever magician, the suspension of disbelief required of theatergoers.

No, sometimes there really are miracles that cannot be rationalized or explained away. Sometimes God really can do amazing things if we have faith to believe. That is the problem sometimes with modern society and progress. We are so fascinated by our own accomplishments and skills that we forget about the author and the finisher of our faith. We forget that it all comes from God above. With God all things are possible, as the Bible says.