Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Passports and Vaccinations

Yes, it would be interesting to learn more about the passport snafu of 1916. Did the passports expire or were they seized in a crackdown on missionary activities by those atheistic U.S. diplomats so disdainful of the value of the missionary presence in China. Or maybe it was not like that. Maybe it was the clueless missonaries who did not have their paperwork in proper order and were so disrespectful to the U.S. diplomats when these discrepancies were pointed out in December of 1916 and remedied. So which was it? What exactly happened anyway? I suppose it is only coincidental that famous U.S. diplomat Samuel Sobokin was shot at while driving to Mongolia. Probably no connection there. So what did happen and who was involved? It would be interesting to know more about that.