Friday, April 8, 2011


I wonder what makes Michelle and those other yearbook people think that they have a license to hurt me? No, they have only been granted a license to explain their own folly and their own stupid thinking in assembling the yearbook in that odd way with all of its assorted mistakes. Obviously I don't know anything about it so I cannot begin to explain why some people's photos are omitted or what they were thinking. Someone said something to me about it but, as I have said before, I know nothing about it. And do they imagine that they themselves are in charge of school enrollment and grading? Do not the parents have anything to say about that? Why did my presence on the platform at graduation seem so annoying to some people? These people really should get a grip on reality because the fact is that I am NOT the maid of Soong May-ling or anyone else for that matter. I am a high school student like everyone else on the platform. My grandmother once said something about the maid, like in China maybe she was connected to the Pentecostals and said something to them, but I don't know anything specific about that, only something vague that grandmother said. Just because I am not on the yearbook staff, that does not make me the maid of Soong May-ling. Lots of Pentecostals were low-class and poor, especially in the early days, and maybe even now, but that is not an absolute rule, only a general demographic. We Pentecostals are not required to be poor in terms of religions. Our religions is not requiring poverty of Pentecostals. No, it is the powers that be, the government and society, that has arrayed all these forces against us to prevent us from ever climbing out of poverty. But still, I have never been to China so all of this has nothing to do with me and my life. Or does it? Hmmm...

I am not the maid of Rosanne Murphy who actually was my third grade teacher. I was a student at the MK school when she was a teacher there. I cannot comment on divorce and all that other stuff that happened several years later because I don't know anything about it. That all happened in the United States, probably in Colorado. I have only visited Colorado for one week so cannot say much about Colorado. I do not know anyone in Colorado except for my cousin who moved there later so has no connection to that stuff. So Rosanne married a divorced man but I do not know anything about that. I only know that she was my third grade teacher and that John Bueno invited them to live there and operate an orphanage. So that was his idea because the Buenos are the ones who know all about that. You could always ask the Buenos.

I only know that in third grade we girls once stayed overnight at Miss Murphy's house, the house where she lived with some other people, and in the morning there was a little black kitten trapped on the roof of the first floor, sort of an awning that we could see from the second floor window. The mewing kitten was rescued and because no one claimed it or wanted it we ended up taking the kitten home with us and we named it Spooky. When we went home on furlough in 1970 we gave the kitten to the maid, Betty, who moved back home to Santa Ana. Perhaps Spooky's descendants are still living out there in Santa Ana. Who knows? You could always ask Betty the maid, but not Betty my mom.