Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mix and Match

Contrary to public opinion, I was never linked to or even much aware of the "plantation" mindset of these Southern belles who imagine themselves able to commandeer the lives of their slaves, inclusive even the breeding patterns of the various racial stocks. After all, we are told, do not cattle breeders pick and choose certain cows for breeding based on their physical and behavioral characteristics? The same with dogs. Yes, I suppose if you want to let someone else choose your mate then you can do that. You can be just a docile cow herded here and there by the ring in your nose. It is your choice. But this would probably make you a Moonie. Funny, whatever happened to all the Moonies anyway? We remember seeing the photos of mass marriages years ago in the newspaper, but where are all those families now? One never hears much about the Moonies anymore. They just disappeared into the landscape. Or else you would be taking Derek Prince's book "God Is A Matchmaker" maybe a little too seriously. You have to make some decisions, too. God doesn't want mindless robots either. He wants people who have opinions and make choices and decisions. Why else would He give us free will?