Sunday, April 10, 2011


Yes, it is sort of scary to think that Carmen, a high school classmate who mostly just sneered at me in utter contempt of gringos, later married a United States diplomat and was representing my interests as a U.S. citizen over there in various countries, mostly Italy and China, her husband working at U.S. embassies according to the alumni directory. Some of these people would love nothing better than an opportunity to finish the job that the Spanish Armada was never able to complete. With the U.S. military/scientific complex backing these Spanish "conquistadors," there would be nothing to stand in the way of their complete domination of society. Recessive genes for characteristics such as red hair would be utterly crushed by the black hair and brown skin types. Redheads, not unlike the Mayans, would mostly disappear in the genocidal and/or genealogical fray. There will be nothing we can do about it. What England's isolation was able to prevent, the enforced socialism of today's America will make unavoidable. We will have no defenses when the Spanish Armada sails to victory over the whites and blacks. There will be nothing to stand in the way of their assuming all positions of power over the morally weak and genetically recessive "American" people. Sheer numbers will make our oblivion a reality, eventually.

And you thought that I was hanging out with rich kids in high school? Ha! High school was miserable. I always thought that there would be a life after high school where things would be different but now I am seeing that is probably not going to be the case. I am just going to die and that's all there is to my story. There is not going to be any autobiography, in case you were expecting something.