Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Yearbook Omissions

Yes, it is becoming very clear that my great-grandfather is not listed in the China Yearbooks. Also probably not listed are most of the Pentecostal missionaries with whom they worked and whose names do appear in the early Pentecostal publications. And we are NOT surprised. They just did not count in the eyes of the mainliners who were in charge of publishing the yearbook, meaning those mainline Protestant denominations who did have direct relationships with the Chinese government via the various treaties that had accumulated over the centuries. I am not quite sure why that was or how that whole thing worked. I do not have it all figured out. There were so many missionary groups from various countries of Europe and North America. I could list some of them here but the Pentecostal groups are not mentioned. I only know that the Pentecostals were quickly excluded by the mainliners due to various disagreements over theology and church practices. If you ask the mainliners about my great-grandfather they would probably not know what you are talking about. You have to understand that the mainliners have their place but they just don't understand the Pentecostal thing. But this is not the stuff that jokes are made of. We do not want to be in danger of mocking the work of God. This explains why we are not very pleased with Wicked Witch Trina, to put it mildly, for rearranging the yearbook and leaving out some people for no good reason, only bad. I mean, who knew Trina was so bad? That really is bad, bad, bad. All this actually proves is that Trina is a very bad girl. That's all there is to it. Oh wait, stupid Carmen was in charge of the yearbook, wasn't she? Obviously, being a member of the National Honor Society means absolutely nothing, at least not in her case.