Saturday, March 2, 2013

First Person

When I was 10 years old I said that when I grew up I would be famous and write my autobiography. Ok, so I lied. Obviously I am not going to be famous when everyone on the planet obviously hates and loathes me and will do everything to ensure that I never succeed at anything. Still, they still harbor that nagging fear that I might write something on the order of an autobiography. But in order to do that I would need to write in the first person. But if my viewpoints and observations can be swallowed by the collective groupies, and they are insisting that all my thoughts and ideas must be censored first by them and harmonized with the collective and not allowed to run amok in individualistic lines of thought, then I will be mostly writing in the second or third person which is not really about me. It might even be fiction for all I know. It would be hard for me to actually write an autobiography when I really have nothing to say, nothing eventful to record, experienced nothing of overwhelming significance, just a miserable soul plodding along who will be glad when life is over and perhaps no longer have to think about this. Yes, what kind of uplifting and inspiring autobiography would I write anyway? It would just be nothing.