Friday, March 22, 2013


I was never Catholic so the idea of excommunicating me would just be a ridiculous farce. Catholics are sometimes unable to think outside the box enough to understand that we really don't care about reconnecting to their system of cruel slavery. My great-great-great-grandmother Mary Carr was born a Prussian Catholic but escaped to the freedom of Protestant America where she married Jacob Burry, son of Jacob Burry, the Reformed Swiss immigrant. Life in 19th century America was hard sometimes but at least Mary Carr was free to study the Bible on her own. I think that our ancestors would turn over in their graves if we went backwards to Catholicism. They worked so hard to make things better for us here in Protestant America. So many good things came of the Protestant Reformation even with all of its emotional excesses. Catholics only wish they had thought of this United States thing and freedom of religion first, but they really didn't. If it were up to Catholics, we would all be slaves of their system.