Sunday, March 10, 2013
Irish Oz
Yes, we probably should not forget that Frank Baum was Irish and his Oz vision sort of fits an Irish-American world for those Irish-Americans who like everything done with an Irish jig. I really don't have that much Irish in me actually, red hair notwithstanding. Celtic is not confined to national boundaries or archaic languages, so I sort of understand them and I sort of don't understand what they are talking about half the time. Someone was saying that there are actually more redheads in Scotland than Ireland, not that I would be able to verify that. It might have been related to the question of whether the reddish hair and freckles make me Irish. Actually not but this is a common misunderstanding that comes from persons ignorant of the complexities of American ethnic composition. It it not something that white people like us would really want to discuss with email spammers, thanks anyway. It is more complicated than that. It would take a long time to fully research my genealogy to try to figure exactly all the percentages of the various European nationalities represented there and then if I had those numbers, so what? It really would not matter that much or change very much about the circumstances of my life or the number of my days. I think that I am white American generally speaking but to get more specific than that requires a level of trust that you are not going to use that information for some vast social engineering project in which I will be engineered out of existence. Someone, I don't remember who, was saying that genocidal methods worked well in France, where the Huguenots and other Protestant groups were pressured or bred out of existence so that only Roman Catholics live in France. They want to do the same here in America, so that only Roman Catholics will survive in the new world that is to come. Protestants will diminish and eventually become extinct. Thus it would pay to be Irish in the coming New World Order of Irish-Italian Catholics because only they will be allowed to supervise the work. The rest of us will not be allowed to do anything and we will just be expected to disappear into the woodwork and let them do whatever they want. Thus the future looks very bleak and dismal for us white people who are not part of the New World Order of Catholicism and have to allow ourselves to be bullied around by this horrid Italian whiners. We just won't have another American continent to which we can escape from this European rot. We will just be here and stuck with their rotten European mess and not able to do much about that. One would think that they would be humble and apologetic about trying to impose their European rottenness upon us, but alas they have no ability to see how rotten they themselves actually are. For them it is just a game about winning and we are the opposing team so they just don't care about us. It is just the system.