Saturday, March 30, 2013

Explaining the Obvious

I wonder why these people would imagine that I would want to be Lori Way's mother? Just because I happened to overhear her arguing with her mother rather loudly about dancing. As if it matters one bit what that dance hall bimbo thinks about anything? Just because her Dad is a pilot and her Mom bakes some huge chocolate chip cookies, that does not mean that I should be forced to drag these obnoxious people around with me for the rest of my life. Do I owe you something? I am no longer accepting these invitations from rich people who only want a retinue, not a friend. I am just dittoing whatever I would say about Cori because I cannot really tell those two apart anymore. They melted together into one obnoxious broom witch who was fired from the position of "friend" long ago. I need those snarky back-stabbing people in my life like I need enemies

Ok, so Wicked Witch Lori married that sniveling little creep Al Moore, as if he were anything but some camerman working in video or something like all of those people. I have no idea what they do now just as I had no idea what they were up to back then and I really don't care.