Monday, March 25, 2013


I vaguely recall that during college Karen Asmuth and some other girls went over to the guys' house bearing a gift of brownies that were laced with Ex-Lax. We heard about this the next day when some guys who ate the brownies were complaining about their rough night. You see, Ex-Lax, in case someone forgot, is a laxative, not some divorcee's reference to LAX. So the guys who ate the brownies had a rough night as we heard and Terry was not shy about expressing his displeasure to Karen and everyone else within earshot. Wow, who would have even thought to do that? My mind really does not work that way. Pranks are always so funny to the pranksters but, I don't know, I just don't care that much. It never seemed that important to me. People were constantly pulling various pranks during college and it is always the same old story about trying to find some way to make your mark on the planet and make your voice heard. Ok, whatever. Anyway, I really was not in a good place to tell the exalted President of the Musicians Guild what or what not to do. It is always whatever they want, never what I want.

And later Mike Rogers told me about a prank that his brother Dave pulled on him. I guess I should feel sorry for these unfortunate people so beaten down and pouring out their tales of pranks and pranksters and yet I don't know what went on there between them so I really cannot comment one way or another.

It is unfortunate that these people are preyed upon and yet they do not seem to understand what a liability and plague they are to us regular people who were just doing our school thing and not intending to get involved or wanting to be associated with such immoral practices. I mean, I have a choice and I can choose NOT to follow the rainbow trail, thanks anyway.