Saturday, March 9, 2013

Guilt Money

We will not be playing any cat and mouse games. The cat tries to lure us out of our hiding place with the bait of money and other benefits but we do not buy that. We are, however, willing to accept your guilt money. You feel guilty about ruining our lives but talk is cheap. If you would be willing to confess your guilt you would need to put some money into our Fundrazr account. This money will reimburse us for all these expenses incurred in trying to locate the needle in the public domain haystack. In donating to our public domain projects you are admitting your malice aforethought, your reckless disregard for the truth, your perpetual and continual intent to inflict injuries, both emotional and physical, and so forth. That is how the money will be accepted through Fundrazr, thank you very much for at least admitting guilt.