Thursday, March 7, 2013


Obviously I will not be mailing my manuscript to the television people, not that I ever had one. I only a few times expressed the idea of maybe writing a book someday but obviously if everyone is so certain that it would be so terrible, why would I bother sitting down to even write it down in the first place, let alone mail it to someone who would just put it through a shredder? Obviously I would never mail out a manuscript without keeping a copy on my hard drive. Nevertheless, there is no manuscript available on my hard drive to mail for a fresh and new target of your derisive mockery. You could probably try pasting together some of my pathetically horrible blog posts but you would never make a penny from all that garbage. Where is the action? Where is the drama? There is no story there. It is mostly some extremely introverted ponderings that you always disdained as worthless in the first place. But guess what, I am not so dumb as to not notice that you hate me and are trying to ruin my life and make everyone hate me as much as you do. I noticed that even if I did not say so.