Saturday, March 16, 2013

Which Reminds Me

In 6th grade our teacher at MK school, Miss Dina Knox, sometimes challenged us all to race to get our work done fast and the first ones to finish would be allowed to walk a couple of blocks over to the store and bring back popsicles for everyone else. I remember attaining this privilege more than once of leaving the classroom and walking over there to get the popsicles while the rest of the children had to stay in the classroom and work and work and work. However, it is not because I worked too fast that I won this privilege. We see that other children would take the whole hour not rushing and still get more answers wrong because, well, Dawn always was sort of dumb that way. Miss Knox might have been trying to motivate Dawn also to stop giggling at every little thing and concentrate on getting the schoolwork done and maybe the popsicle outing was not the best choice of reward system. All those popsicles and sugar right before school let out. Still, that was the system that Miss Knox created, herself already weighing more than 300 pounds, so there is no reason for me to be punished for a system that was easier for me to win with because I always was smarter than stupid Dawn. I am not saying that was the right way to do it, but that was just the way it was, like it or not.