Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dirty Phone Calls

I vaguely remember that one of my roommates, either the one from North Carolina or else Joyce, commented about the dirty phone calls with heavy breathing that were coming in every day early in the morning. The primary phone line was in her bedroom so she always picked up the phone first, the other phone being in the kitchen. She said there was some heavy breathing, mostly, and weirdness. She at first accused me of doing something to invite all of these dirty callers but no I did nothing. The previous roommate for the first year there, the counseling major, had always answered the phone so I really was not aware of those counseling sessions. Something was said about our phone number being posted in the men's bathroom at Norfolk University but like I said at the time I cannot imagine how that could happen. I don't recall even using the women's bathroom maybe a couple of  times I went along invited by some people, including Machelle Bush, to use the library over there to research term papers. I am not sure why they were so fascinated with Norfolk when CBN's library was quite well equipped by that time. I think maybe we had our phone number changed or something like that so that seemed to solve the problem although I really don't remember very much about that.