Sunday, January 15, 2012

No Place For Me

There really is no place for me, not to be confused with that song "No Room in the Inn." There just is no place for me in this world and in society. Society is corrupt anyway, which is always the easy answer to literature questions, so it's not like I care very much about that anymore. In real life I was supposed to get married and be a wife and mother but my plans never go the way I want, obviously. Mr. Right never made his appearance in my life. Instead, someone else wrote a book in which I was cast, for some vague mysterious reason, as a high-powered single-woman evangelist. I have no idea who wrote this book or what they were thinking. God never called me to do that, nor does it fit my experience and personality. I don't think we ever met. So while I could try to pretend to perform this assigned role, I would probably just fail anyway because it is not really who I am. It would just be another joke that someone unknown person is trying to play on me. I do believe in the importance of the Great Commission, but also many are called and few are chosen. I wasn't chosen to be one of them so there is no reason to condemn me for that. There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, as Romans 8:1 says, which means all Christian, not only the high-powered televangelists and ministry gurus.