Friday, January 13, 2012

Literature Track

Notwithstanding all this enforced commentary about literature Spanish and otherwise, I am not very interested in discussing  whether the Christian University in El Salvador has a literature track or not. I am sort of get a clue that some people wanting to stir up some discussion on this point but I never really asked and it is really none of my business what they do. Within the limits set by their accreditation agency, in my opinion they are entitled to do whatever they want even if that means not having any literature classes if that is allowed, which might seem weird but lots of technically oriented schools are missing a literature emphasis so I think that is something they have to figure out for themselves. Even if they had a Spanish literature track, how would that fit into a Christian context when so much Spanish literature of recent decades is of a decidedly anti-Christian and Marxist orientation? It would be sort of interesting to see what they would do with that but it is not that would ever be my job, myself not being even remotely qualified and besides I have other, more important things to worry about like paying my bills and minding my p's and q's and having a life. So basically I am a little bit sympathetic to the idea of Christian Spanish literature but have no idea how they would do that. It's not my problem.