Saturday, January 28, 2012

On the Prince of the Air

The article by Stephen Speirs Craig is an interesting take on "Satanic Strategy" and how the Prince of the Air is strategically opposed to Christian revivals today.

To clarify, Craig says: The word 'deep' should be Abyss." (Obviously he is not saying that everything must be superficial or that everything 'deep' is hellish. This is a specific reference to Luke 8:31 in which the original Greek word apparently does mean hell or the bottomless pit or Abyss or something like that and is sometimes translated more specifically. The demons cast out of the Gadarene man are the ones who are afraid of the "deep," in case you had not noticed. The demons are the ones always looking for something new and novel to keep them entertained. Craig makes the following points:

1. Satan's new brand of fanaticism aids his quest to injure the cause of Truth.
  • a. Intellectual fanatic: Obsessed with new interpretations and novel doctrines.
  • b. Emotional fanatic: Revels in manifestations.
  • c. Spiritist: Persons with an affinity for evil spirits or demons.
2. Denominational resistance to the Holy Spirit and the Pentecostal movement.

3. Individual resistance to the Holy Spirit and the Pentecostal movement. 
"Alas! What shall they do when they stand before the 'Bema' face to face with the ten thousand whom the Great Shepherd has gathered into the fold from India, China, Japan, Africa, and the round globe as the fruit of this movement?.... And how will they conceal their astonishment and remorse when they see the jeweled crowns placed on the heads of the Pentecostal overcomers? Let the curtain fall for the present and let that Day of Days give its own answer. Methinks there will be sorrow in Heaven that Day."