Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Working Days

I vaguely remember discussing with my mother the fact that we sort of feel guilty about not doing very much in terms of direct evangelism and Sunday School work when we were in El Salvador. When compared to some other missionary families in other countries, we did not do very much nor were we asked or expected to do anything. In contrast, in Costa Rica Sylvia Brooke and her mother Hope were known to be very active in planning Sunday School activities. In El Salvador I personally was not asked to do very much of anything and I did not initiate anything either. The local work was much more developed in El Salvador and there was not really any need of MKs to tell those people anything. They think they can do everything all by themselves and don't need any know-it-all America missionary kids to tell them anything so there was no reason for me to intrude into places where I was not welcome. Costa Rica, on the other hand, is a country with very few churches, much less developed, a place where the local people were content to let the missionaries pretty much run the show so there was a very different thing going on down there. I can't really imagine doing that in El Salvador. It just wouldn't be necessary.