Friday, January 13, 2012

Sharon Deras' Favorite Song

Yes, I vaguely remember Sharon Turner Deras talking about how much she loves this song she heard on the radio, a song which I had never heard of, only of the group, and how when she was dating Leonel it was her inspiration to overcome her fear of men and get married. So that's nice for her. Personally I find the song a little bit too chilling for comfort. It talks about playing games of chance and crossing swords as part of a man-woman relationship but are they married and in lover or divorcing and hate each other's guts? I can't really tell. It is better not to think too deeply about poetry and what it means or it could get really weird. Besides, I'm really not interested in examining the inner workings of Sharon Turner's head. I don't really want to know anything else about that.

Song: Amor de Hombre
Performers: Mocedades (Spain)