Monday, January 2, 2012

Triplett Triteness

I am also trying to understand why I should care about the Tripletts? What have the Tripletts ever done for me other than make my life miserable in a very literalistic and legalistic sense? Nicaragua is far away and has nothing of interest to teach me about anything. I know all I need to know about Spanish culture and history without any help from Don, Mark, and Tim, thank you very much. I know everything I need to know about China without any help from Mark's wife Jeanette, who was an MK somewhere in Asia although I don't remember exactly which country. Ok, so I'll just say that I am not unaware and may have overheard somewhere that some people are very disturbed by the Tripletts' manorial obsessions and castle crazes of the feudal variety. They imagine themselves the lords of the manor commissioned for the purpose of beating pitiful serfs, in which class they have imagined myself included, into a state of cowering submission. All of that sour grapes about rules and regulations imposed by the bigwigs up there, do they really imagine that was all just an imaginary script? That the benevolent lords-a-leaping ever cared for a second about the hours of inconvenience, all the blood, sweat, and tears they imposed on the workers in the fields? No, they don't really care about us in any kind of personal way. It's just a business, after all, an international exchange of lifestyle commodities. Our ideas and thoughts will not even be considered. No, the ideas that matter come from themselves and benefit mainly themselves. So what if the middle gets squeezed out? It just doesn't matter in a feudal society. In a feudal society the Tripletts are sequestered in their baronial estate while the hoi polloi cough and wheeze and succumb to the pestiferous plague. So, like, why should I care about castles? If I had the money to travel, there is no shortage of ruined castles in Europe waiting to be photographed. But it's not really about them. So I'm just saying.