Monday, January 23, 2012

The Grace Of Patience

And just because the lady in the article "The Grace of Patience" said that she had no joy in the Lord later  because she was not willing to obey the Lord and let her reputation go, that does not mean that losing one's reputation is a joyful and exciting experience or that there is any reward for willfully dashing one's reputation on the rocks just to prove some stupid point, quite the contrary, not that I had ever heard of this publication until recently. Losing one's reputation is not a joyful thing at all, as I can personally attest. And yet if the Lord wants to take my reputation, I suppose that there is nothing I can do about it and neither do I see any joyful fruit at the end of this exercise in futility carried out just so that, too, you can make some mysterious point about "Trust" magazine or something like that, although it is actually "Voice" magazine that great-grandmother mentions reading in her dairies, not that all of this makes any sense. I am just saying.