Sunday, April 29, 2012

David's Portion

I really have no idea why there was no inheritance allotted to David. Probably because he had already died and so the inheritance was not split three ways, only two ways between his sister and brother. If David had lived long enough I imagine that he too would have had a share but he died so that is just what happened. If I die sooner than my parents, my sister would probably get everything that was supposed to go to me. That is just the way it goes with inheritance matters. No one is entitled to David's share because it just doesn't exist and there is no reason to discuss the matter further. What Karen and Richard do with their share of the dough after taxes is their personal business. I don't tell them what to do with their money and likewise they have no reason to discuss any of that with me. It is not a matter for public discussion, what we would or would not do with any discretionary income. They would not appreciate it if I tried to bring up the subject and vice versa. We don't tell people what they can do with their money here in America because this is a free country. Enough said about that.