Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Taxing Talk

All this yakking about the lottery jackpot means nothing to me. As I have said before, in case some people never forgot, I never buy lottery tickets so obviously I am not going to win the lottery. Also, I am not a governmental entity so I have no authority to tax anyone, much as I might like to see some fundraising income. People who give to missionaries do it of their own free will and volition out of the surplus of their abundant harvest because they believe in the cause of Christ, not because they have to pay and owe anything necessarily to missionaries and their families. My parents were missionaries which means that they were fortunate enough to get some financial support from churches and church people to fund our life in El Salvador. However, I am not a career missionary so obviously I cannot expect any self-respecting rich person to send me a lot of money just because I want to move over to Easy Street. With so many thousands of people smearing my reputation from age three forward, obviously I would be wasting my time to try to do any fundraising. I would just be the laughingstock everywhere to pretend that I could do anything or have anything to offer to anyone in terms of missions. In fact, I should apologize for existing because the world would be so much better off without pathetically worthless me still on this planet taking up too much space and consuming too much food and water when all of those people starving in China could use everything I have got. If only it were practical to mail them the daily food but then I would starve to death so that would not work. It would be better if I were to just eat whatever food is served and never dare to complain because, unlike other people who get to complain all they want day in and day out, I would never heard the end of it.