Monday, April 16, 2012

Dixon Dogs

Why are we being dogged by these boring whiny Dixon dogs? Every once in a while we glimpse the Dixons posing as ministers. Obviously they are wolves in sheeps' clothing, because they look more like actors performing in some kind of demonized Dixie plot to rule the universe of Atlantis, capital of the lost continent. This is deduced because it is not like these Dixons are real people who ever have anything to say to real people like me as in, for example, explaining their connection to James Dixon James, who was a missionary to China along with my great-grandparents although we get the impression they had an argument there and parted on a not-so-friendly terms. Nowadays these modern-day Dixons are just posing and posturing and pretending to care about the "people" because they are powerbrokers of some sort. They have some obscure point to make which may go all the way back to China or may have absolutely nothing to do with us. There is no way to figure it out because we can't really communicate with them. The only sure thing is that it obviously has nothing to do with me. I am just a spectator of some sort in this Dixon drama that they are continually reenacting in their monotonous and tedious way.