Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sheik Nightmares

I wonder why frumpy dumpy housewife thinks she just has to have a "Majestic Destiny"? Doesn't she realize that she is just another household slave of Sheik Corea, the polygaminous villain of harum scarum repute? She had better not burn dinner or forget to vacuum the floor! Majestic Destiny belongs only to the motherless and fatherless orphans who are the sole recipients of the rich man's beneficence. The orphans will rise from the ashes of disaster to become the Horatio Algers of tomorrow, although they may not get there by hawking newspapers on street corners, not in the new online economy. Only the desperately poor will be eligible for upward mobility in the flatlined New World Order still to be seen. For the rest of us middling poor to middle class, there is only a relentless monotony of servility and groveling before the Almighty Rich Man, meaning the ruling class who have the entire money supply hidden away in a mysterious Wall Street locker and also tend to think that money alone can solve all the problems of humanity, which is sort of mechanistic and assumes we are basically machines. Perhaps if you are extremely talented or intelligent you will be plucked from the dreary routine to serve as a showcase trophy. Otherwise, for the ordinary person there is nothing but duty and work, work and duty. You are a cog in the machine and if you do not function as prescribed, you will be replaced and replicated. This may be a scary way of thinking about the future but it is also true in some ways.