Sunday, April 15, 2012

"Missing" People

OK, it is time for all of these people who have been "missing" me to get captured and herded, lined up against a wall to be fired and dispatched forthwith to the mentally retarded holding tank where you all belong. I say this because obviously "Ole Miss" is a school in Mississippi, a state where I have never lived nor ever had any interest in living or going. Other than driving through without stopping except maybe for gas and restroom break, although I really don't recall, I have never been to Mississippi. I vaguely remember Barbara Miller saying something about "Ole Miss" but what would she know about anything? She is just a silly Dixie-demonized Southerner, a native of Jackson, Mississippi, who happened to live in El Salvador for a year, the year I was in 11th grade. During that time Barbara lived in the Navarrete home, renting a room in a home where there was a son who was a young man near her age, and she taught school at the little school for MKs. She is a teacher that Stevie Bueno often complained of for being too weepy and depressed all the time which is not surprising to us because wouldn't any American single woman be sort of depressed in those circumstances? My mother always feels sorry for these single women teachers and drags them around with her and takes them shopping and sigthseeing and invites them over to our house for dinner because otherwise they would not have much of anything to do. The other missionary families were not as "generous" as my mother, which is good in some ways and also annoying in some ways because sometimes it gets really tedious having this silly Barbara underfoot all the time, especially all these many years later, always ridiculing me and poking at me as if nothing worthwhile should be expected of me. How did they find this silly Barbara person anyway? We were from Southern California District so we have no real connection to these Mississippi whiners. We were just trying to be nice.