Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sing Sing

One really must ask why Neil Cavuto is so obsessed with finding Sing Sing connections. After all, it was Earl Blighton, the Catholic priest from New York, who served time in Sing Sing, not anyone with whom I am even remotely connected that I know of. Father Blighton, as we have learned, was a client of Dr. Edward R. Riffle, the chiropractor who ended up with all of the dough in the 1950 case involving my unfortunate great-grandfather, it being his business colleague Samuel Longwell who ended up serving time in the San Francisco jail as far as we can tell from the documents, although we are not sure what really happened. And there is no reason to believe any of the silliness emanating from Grand Dragon Schmidt who obviously has more money than he knows what to do with, perhaps the guilty conscience from having scammed all of us poor people is driving him to do stupid things like give it all away or something like that. It is apparently hard for those Grand Dragon Schmidts to keep their facts straight when their deep hostility apparently is deeply rooted in San Francisco. Something about the KKK coding makes us want to vomit, but we are good little Thumpers so we are not really going to say what we really think about that.