Sunday, April 15, 2012

Strangers Whose Names I Do Not Recall

Yes, who was that hideous Italian woman standing next to me in the choir at the Hummel church that night in Long Beach? I think that she was either the pastor's daughter or married to the pastor's son or something like that. I do not recall those people's names nor do I have any idea why I should care to continue any kind of relationships with any of those utterly nasty people when obviously they were not really my friends anyway nor did they want me there. It is not like they ever had real affinity or affection for me nor I for them. I was there for a few short months and then I left. They had no husband for me in Long Beach so it was a huge waste of time to spend even a day there. I don't know what I was thinking. They were perhaps expecting me to expect more from them but I am really not that stupid. Long Beach was nothing to me, actually, only a possible stepping stone to somewhere else but as it turned out Long Beach was only just another dud. My life will be fine without these Long Beach tricksters tripping me every time I turn around. And now it is nothing to me, just a closed book that will never be reopened in this lifetime. I am on my way to some other place and I must keep my eyes on the goal which is the prize of the high calling of Christ, of which the people of Long Beach obviously have no part, being themselves the most despicably godless swine a Christian girl such as myself could ever have the misfortune to encounter however so briefly.