Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Yes, I received a message from someone stating that Vanessa had married a very wealthy man of high class family and was thus ushered into the upper echelons of high society where she no longer has to worry about being related to a bus driver and can stomp all over us with impunity. This explains why we see Vanessa and the Butterfields sneering down at their former cousins from their lofty perches paid for by the decadent glitterati of Hollywood arrogance. I did not know that until someone delivered this punch in the face. I was not much aware of Vanessa's existence or location on the planet, I have to admit. Having received that kind of arrogant message from crude and vulgar bitch Vanessa, the Warrens should not be surprised if they never see hide nor hair of me in this lifetime. Is it any wonder that I never go there/ I could not care less about what kind of trashy dog dogs might be produced but such an utterly rude and pathetically stupid cousin as Vanessa, trained this way no doubt but one of my wicked witch aunts. I really should not say this but then again everyone is waiting for me to say this.

Last year my parents visited Vanessa in her Dallas home. My mom said that Vanessa's husband is a Calvary Chapel pastor and has seven or eight children. Oh, I did not know that. I really don't care.