Monday, November 12, 2012

More memories

Which reminds me that during my first year at SCC that Priscilla Galatar was the choir conductor and one evening she took us in the choir to a concert at a Seventh Day Adventist church there in Costa Mesa. It was a nice concert but in retrospect it would seem a bit odd that Mrs. Galatar would be so well connected to the Seventh Day Adventists, a denomination with whom we have disagreements on various doctrinal issues. The music was great but it was not like I would ever congregate there for church. I would prefer a more Spirit-filled type of worship rather than the dry bones legalism of Seventh Day Adventism, personally speaking. Just legalizing things does not bring about the Spirit-filled worship of which I speak. Lots of dry bones legalists do not like being told what not to do. It is a Spirit thing. But I did enjoy the concert very much, in particular the dramatic soprano's excellent rendition of "I Wonder as I Wander," which was remarked upon later by Mrs. Galatar or someone. I agree that the music was great.