Friday, November 9, 2012
The Evans Wtich
It might be a coincidence and yet it might be worth noting that while Cori married a guy by the surname of Evans and there is also a wicked witch scam artist who lives in South Florida by the name of Betty Evans White. Betty is a total fraud. She puts a sign on her door purporting to be a psychologist and yet we all know she is just a wicked old biddy who might even be related to the Trailer Trash Evans clan of Dallas to whom I owe nothing. The only reason that Betty ever gets clients is probably that her office is somehow connected to Billy Graham's son-in-law Tchividjian because otherwise Betty fails to impress. Vickie recommended her to my mother and my mother paid for me to go there and I went and then all I got was this big runaround and I was accused of stealing a book. How ridiculous. When Billy Graham is finally dead and buried all these parasitical Graham hangers-on will have to find themselves a new reason to live because things are going to change around here, I dare to say. I do feel sorry for the Evans clan, stuck as they are with nasty bitch Cori in their family tree, but I really don't care. Jody is just a stupid janitor anyway and janitors are a dime a dozen. Any high school dropout can work as a janitor and even work his way up to head janitor. So? We did not go to college to get janitorial jobs. That is all we need say about that.