Saturday, November 17, 2012


Which reminds me that I once roomed with Dauna for about three months and I am a firsthand witness that during that time Dauna was the most unbelievably filthy slob imaginable. Nothing was put away. All the clothes were just all over the floor, never washed. There were three of us in the room so it was more crowded and inconvenient than normal but still Dauna was horrible. It is fortunate for me that dykey dog Dauna dropped out of college and did not come back the next year so that was a relief. I will not be rooming with Dauna ever again in this lifetime, such an obnoxious roommate was she to me. I cannot speak for her dikey dog alter ego Lynda, obviously. Of course, if I hammer away at these dogs I will only make everyone feel more pity for them and less for me. Obviously. That is the whole point of this script, to make me look terrible even though I didn't do anything to them. I just want those dykey dogs to get out of my head, that's all.