Thursday, November 1, 2012

Clueless Me

I vaguely recall that a lot of people at Editorial Vida got really worked up about Bob Hoskins' goofy accounting practices but I really don't anything about that. I heard people talking via the grapevine about storming the ramparts and then a deal was worked out in which I was murdered in exchange for peace. This makes no sense to me as I was not even there and anyway I did not steal any money or know anything about that. As far as I can see, the only person who should be roasting in hell is THEM. THEY did something that I don't understand and then THEY blamed me for everything for no reason whatever other than to distract from their own goofy accounting practices even though I was not the person who was making a fuss. It is the higher-ups job to dump the Hoskins into their isolation tank, not mine. That is the way I see it. Thus, I have no sympathy whatsoever for the Hoskins family pretending to be the missionaries who worked in India in the Cawnpore district alongside Methodist missionary Harvey Calkins who is not related to me that I know of, at least not closely. My Dad's name is Harold, not Harvey, so obviously my Dad is not the author of the books about money management and stewardship principles. Neither are we Methodists, only AG, so this whole thing just gets more and more ridiculous all the time. I think that if Robbie Hoskins wants to ensure his own good luck he should get himself a rabbit's foot to put under his pillow at night. Those people ought to know that I am just not available to be used for these ridiculous purposes. It logically follows that Hazel Hoskins obviously did not write the book about Clara A. Swain, M.D., the Presbyterian doctor in India or the book about Dr. Mary E. Carleton, the Methodist doctor in China, so it is obvious that Hazel's pretensions of being a bestselling author are kaput. Well, tudalu to you, too!