Sunday, November 11, 2012

Tackett Trash

I wonder what makes the Tackett Trash Cranfords & Kleins think that we are going to let them run our lives? We all know that if Uncle Winfred would greedily shortchange his own sisters in the matter of inheritance, he would have even less regard or concern for us more remote connections, his sisters' grandchildren. Thus, it will be necessary to send a clear signal to the Tackett Trash that we will be kicking their stupid Tackett trash butts out of the ballpark if we ever hear hide nor hair of those Tackett trash whiners ever again in this lifetime. We all know that Hazel might have had a more comfortable life if committed to a mental institution but it was not our place to say. Sorry about that. My mom said that Uncle Winfred had two daughters but I never knew anything about them.