Monday, November 12, 2012

Drill Sargeant Dykes

If truth be told, Cori/Lori is just another drill sargeant dyke, as are all of these hideous women who waste my time with their mindless chatter about nothing much. It wasn't supposed to be like this but I do understand how unbelievably sick their minds are. And then I am supposed to say that I don't need it. I can live without it. I was not taking it for granted in the first place. I don't quite remember what I said about it anyway. But it is true. I don't need it. I can live without it. I wasn't taking it for granted in the first place. Only in their sick minds. They don't really know what I was thinking. They are just guessing and they are almost always mostly wrong. I am just saying I would rather be alone that be stuck with your obnoxious dykey-dog company only, basically.